Thursday, 24 March 2011

Spring Scepticism

On Saturday morning I was awoken by a text message from a friend, with an over excited instruction - 'Quick! Look at the sunshine!' The overdue return of the ball of fiery light had taken on some strange phenomenon. A rare experience, not to be missed! Prefixed by a panicked desire to enjoy every fleeting second of it.

"Right then, get in the garden! Stare at it before it disappears! Oh shit, is it going behind that cloud? Is that an ice cream truck I can hear in the distance? I'm sure my shorts were in this draw. Oh, here they are..Wait, are these even mine? Arrhh!"

You get the picture.

On the streets, many are still dressed with a very obvious degree of distrust. Coats and scarves remain adorned. Damn those suspicious folk and their half done up zips and buttons. I bet you'd still find gloves in lady's handbags too. (One would imagine, I'm not in the habit of rummaging through...)

I'm horribly aware that my first post on this blog is about the weather. How delightfully mundane and typically English! But as it's all anyone can talk about this week, it seemed a reasonable place to start. Plus, it's obviously a lot more pressing than a country in the midst of Civil War, and the west's subsequent intervention. Or, for that matter, a country on the brink of nuclear devastation... but I'll save those trivial matters for a rainy day!

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